The Achille Sclavo Foundation was established to continue the commitment of Prof. Achille Sclavo in the fight against infectious diseases and malnutrition that still today afflict Low-Income Countries. We are inspired by his philanthropy and by his guiding principles: scientific soundness, solid training, multidisciplinary approach to health and to the fight against infectious diseases, as well as correct nutrition: an approach that’s called today One Health.
The Foundation is based in Siena, a city heavily struck by the Black Plague of the XIV century that killed a large part of its population, as well as masons and sculptors working on its soon-to-be completed Cathedral, which would have been the largest in the world. What’s left of that gothic dream is the huge façade, whose elegant, empty, gigantic windows still witness to us the destructive power of infectious diseases on humanity and its hopes for development and growth.
Siena is a city in the center of a very well-cultivated territory, witnessed, with another historical comparison, by the panorama of the Tuscan landscaped, painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in the XIV century in a fresco titled “The effects of Good Government on the Country” in the Public Palace of Siena.