The Fondazione Achille Sclavo ONLUS has been a member of the U.N. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTION NETWORK since its inception in 2013 and among the very first Italian Network Associates.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by world leaders at a UN General Assembly on September 25th, officially came into force on January 1st 2016. These new Goals apply to all countries and will guide them for the next fifteen years, through efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight diseases and inequalities and address climate change causes, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
The success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was the stepping stone for the SDGs to go further and give an end to all forms of poverty. The new Goals differ from the MDGs, in that they require action by all countries of the world, in every continent and at every level of development to promote progress and improved living conditions, while protecting the planet. The SDGs acknowledge that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that, besides stimulating economic growth also address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while addressing climate change and environmental protection.
The 17 SDGs are not legally binding, but world governments are expected to follow their guidance establishing national frameworks for their achievement. Countries have the responsibility to follow-up on the SDGs monitoring the progress made in implementing them, also through quality and timely data collection. Regional follow-up will build upon national analyses and will feed into follow-up and reviews at the global level.

Fondazione Sclavo and the SDGs
Fondazione Sclavo has been an active Member of the UN Sustainable Solution Network since its inception, in 2013. Please see our UNSDSN page at:
We have presented papers at the 4 annual International Congresses on Sustainable Development and one Sustainable Solution initiative against typhoid, we have taken part in drafting the 17 goals and the targets and today we are an active member of the UNSDSN, SDSN-Med, the Regional Chapter of the UNSDSN and SDSN Italia, the national Chapter of the Global network.
Participation of Fondazione Achille Sclavo to the Network:
- We presented papers at 4 annual International Congresses on Sustainable Development,
- We submitted one Sustainable Solution initiative against typhoid,
- We have taken part in drafting the 17 goals and the targets,
- Today we are an active member of the UNSDSN, SDSN-Med, the Regional Chapter of the UNSDSN and SDSN Italia, the national Chapter of the Global network.
We believe that if we all fight infectious diseases together, we can make this world a better place to live.

Fondazione Sclavo has been an active member of the UN Sustainable Solution Network since its inception in 2013. Please see us at:
The Network was launched by the UN (UN SDSN) by the UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon in august 2012, and is still led by Professor Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University).

SDSN Mediterranean is the regional chapter for the Mediterranean of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The objective of SDSN Mediterranean is to mobilize the scientific and technical capabilities in academia, in civil society and in the private sector to facilitate sustainable development of the Mediterranean Region, promoting knowledge, advanced training, research, innovation and facilitating partnerships across the area.

SDSN Italia is the national chapter of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, hosted by the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and by the Santa Chiara Lab of the University of Siena. The main objective of SDSN Italia is to increase knowledge and awareness of the 2020 Agenda and of the Sustainable Development Goals, promoting interactions between academia, industry, research centers, civil society organizations and association.
In collaboration with SDSN Mediterranean and other institutions, including the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), SDSN Italia is active primarily in the area of education, innovation and training with the objective to develop professional in the sector of sustainability.