Reduce infant mortality and improve health and living conditions in low-income countries, by accelerating availability of new affordable life-saving vaccines to eliminate neglected infectious diseases and by training local health workers, thereby reducing poverty.
- Established in 2011 by private founders: Sclavo Vaccines Association and Dr. Rino Rappuoli,
- Board members are appointed by founders and receive no compensation for their position,
- Fully tax-exempt, private-law, charitable organization (ONLUS): donations are tax deductible,
- Founding Charter (Articles of Association) in line with strict ONLUS regulations,
- Registered with Government Offices: recognized as private research organization,
- Annual Report deposited with local government control office and audited by external CPA,
- Board members and Managing Director with extensive experience in life sciences,
- 2015 Annual Report top-line figures:
- Revenues from donations and interests: €161,086,
- Net Margin allocated to reserves for use in chartered activities: €91,970,
- Net Worth, including endowment fund and reserves: €203,117.
- Accelerate development and fruition of vaccines against neglected infectious diseases of poverty:
- Project coordinator for development of a vaccine against Non-Typhoidal Salmonella for Africa funded by the Tuscany Region with €1MM (in Africa NTS is the 1st cause of sepsis, mainly in children),
- Proponent of a Solution Initiative against typhoid fever to the UNSDSN in collaboration with Bio E,
- Two project applications with H2020 and EDCTP on neglected infectious diseases and vaccines,
- Train doctors and paramedic personnel from LMIC:
- Co-funder of the last two editions of the Master in Vaccinology and Pharmaceutical Clinical Development organized by the University of Siena and GSK Vaccines, for MDs from LMICs,
- Will organize with the University of Siena the V Edition of the Master for ≈ 15 MDs from LMICs,
- Improve awareness of infectious diseases of poverty and vaccination at the international level:
- Annual presentations at the UN International Conference on Sustainable Development on typhoid vaccines and value of vaccination,
- Participation in the drafting of the Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators,
- Member of the UN Sustainable Solution Network, SDSM-MED and SDSN-Italia,
- Initiatives with the Rotary Foundation on polio eradication and fight against infectious diseases in Africa