Compliance with the obligations of transparency and publicity
Information on the economic benefits received during the period 1.1.2019 – 12.31.2019
Receiving subject: Achille Sclavo Foundation ONLUS, Via Fiorentina 1 53100 Siena
Tax Code 92056870527
Register of legal entities at the UTG Prefecture of Siena n.249 of 15.6.2011; C. F. 92056870527
Register ONLUS at the Directorate General of Tuscany of the Revenue Agency n.21210 of 23.6.2011
Amounts received
Information concerning the composition of the statutory bodies
Board of Directors:
Angelo Riccaboni – in charge under resolution of the Adm. Comittee of 6-25-2019
Rino Rappuoli – in charge under resolution of the Adm. Comittee of 6-25-2019
Stefano Malvolti – in charge under resolution of the Adm. Comittee of 6-25-2019
Valtere Giovannini – in charge under resolution of the Adm. Comittee of 6-25-2019
Alberto Maria Sabatino – in charge under resolution of the Adm. Comittee of 6-25-2019
Genereal Director:
Gianluca Breghi – in charge under resolution of the Adm. Comittee of 6-25-2019